
A Chrome extension to help Steam buyers
making decision on purchasing games.

How many times do you find out you purchase a game on Steam and just a couple a couple days later it has a crazy discount? Or have you wasted so many time on waiting for a game to have a discount, and by the time it really did you found out you didn't have time to play it!! This happened all the time, and it sucks. So we want to find a way to help you make perfect decisions.

Things It Provide

  • High accuracy
  • Roubust predictor
  • Handy Chrome extension interface
  • Static visualization
  • Open source project
  • Customization

How Does It Work?

Apply machine learing

In the beginning, we got the insight form the stock prediction. Studies have shown that if we have enough historical ...

Some data engineering

Here are some tricks and experience when dealing with Steam price historical data ...


"All models are wrong but some are useful"
Here is our experiment to justify our prediction ...

Customize Your Own BrakeValve!

You can find our source code including Steam Data Crawler, Data preprocessor, and Random forest Demo on our GitHub. Fork our project, and adjust the CCC curve parameter to fit your needs. Also, feel free to add more features into the preprocessor, and let us knows what you find!

Coming Soon on Chrome Web Store ...